It seems that Ramsay’s primary grievance was not the topics of discussion, but rather the execution. He compared the discussions to a “badly assembled dish with too many flavors clashing.” He lamented the lack of preparation, accusing the hosts of “tossing together ingredients without a thought.”

After the show, instead of simmering down, Ramsay took to social media to further express his dissatisfaction. “If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the studio,” he tweeted, with a hashtag #CancelTheView. Within hours, it was trending.

But why such an aggressive stance against “The View”? Sources close to Ramsay suggested that his passion for excellence isn’t limited to the culinary world. One anonymous source commented, “Gordon believes in perfection, whether it’s a dish or a discussion. He genuinely feels that ‘The View’ isn’t serving its audience justice, and he’s not one to keep quiet about anything.”

The internet was divided. While some applauded Ramsay’s frankness, calling for a revamp of the show, others felt he had overstepped his boundaries. A popular television critic wrote, “While Ramsay may be a genius in the kitchen, it doesn’t give him the right to critique fields he’s unfamiliar with. It’s like asking a baker to fix a car.”

But amid all the chaos, an unexpected twist emerged. Overnight, petitions began circulating, collecting signatures from fans who wanted to see a show with Ramsay discussing daily topics with a panel. The title? “The Real Raw View with Gordon Ramsay.”

When asked about the possibility of hosting such a show, Ramsay smirked, “Why not? We’ve seen cooks, cars, and real estate experts having their say. Maybe it’s time a chef spices things up on daytime TV.”

Back at “The View”, producers are reportedly brainstorming ways to revamp the show, with whispers of a cooking segment being introduced. Meanwhile, celebrity endorsements for the show have poured in, including a cheeky tweet from fellow chef Jamie Oliver: “Love you Gordon, but sometimes you’ve got to let the pot simmer before you taste.”

As for Ramsay, he’s back in his kitchen, but with a glint in his eye. After all, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and Gordon Ramsay has proven once again that he’s the master of cooking up a storm, both in and out of the kitchen. Whether or not “The View” will face cancellation remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: they won’t be forgetting Ramsay’s visit anytime soon.